Minggu, April 12

google adsense

blog to google adsense
if you want make a blog, much better make in blogspot.om or blogger.com than wordpress.
because in wordperss you an edit html code.

term blog to google adsense
-make a blog with english content, much better choose blogger.com and blogspot.com if you want free blog
-sign up adsense in www.google.com/adsense
-check your email, if agree or disagree, if failed, repeatly step 1 and look term of goolge adsense your blog is appropriated or not
-if your blog agree with google. login to google.com/adsense with username(email) and password used when register
-for get adsense code you can click adsense setup---> get ads
-choose ads, like a adsense for content, this ads have 2 choose, text, picture and unit link, make as forontent
-choose format text or clour variation, for this ads. colour change can be with choose colour in right side and result in left side
-if choose format text or clour it to want to channel, click add new channel. if not left blank
-copy html code and paste in your blog

term content blog or website
-blog content or web is not to show specially in google
-attacking, SARA, suport some people or organitation
-porn adult
-hacking, cracking, crime
-forbbiden medicine
-casino and gambling
-weapon promoted
-selling or promotion beer or alchohol
-selling or promotion cigarret
-selling or promotion medicine recept
-selling or promotion organitation crime

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